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25 October, 2001 - Now THAT'S psychiatry!!!
23 October, 2001 - double translated pt2
23 October, 2001 - double translation pt1
22 October, 2001 - purplemountainmajesty records
18 October, 2001 - i have no keys!!!
17 October, 2001 - koji kondo, hanging out with will, and free jazz to rawk the world with
14 October, 2001 - walked home last night.
12 October, 2001 - cast of characters, how i love thee
11 October, 2001 - ripping people's ideas off is a game i like to play, fucking up my rolling, and talking to jd
10 October, 2001 - trumpets for beulah, saws for the mastery
09 October, 2001 - thanksgiving
05 October, 2001 - this being the weekend which is almost certainly thanksgiving.
04 October, 2001 - more later