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31 May, 2002 - remember those things tht made sense at the time? not for the faint of heart
31 May, 2002 - best entry ever
31 May, 2002 - ouchy
31 May, 2002 - yasaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy
31 May, 2002 - My Favourite Diaries
30 May, 2002 - DAMN DAMM DAMN!
30 May, 2002 - because i can....and I am a terriblle person
30 May, 2002 - do you agree?
30 May, 2002 - hehehehhehehhehehehehehehehhhee
30 May, 2002 - Matt Sharp? Elliott Smith? Elliott....Sharp?? Matt....Elliott?

30 May, 2002 - he knows I love him, tho
29 May, 2002 - date: 29 May, 2002 time: 9:52 am (Click to change this format)
27 May, 2002 - in which she goes mad
27 May, 2002 - tests
26 May, 2002 - shadowing the entry i did five minutes ago....
26 May, 2002 - becoming weirder.....
26 May, 2002 - i suck.
24 May, 2002 - getting down with the business of being no more
22 May, 2002 - Ever have one of those days when you feel like you fail at everything?
22 May, 2002 - believe me....
22 May, 2002 - mach schnell, turtles
21 May, 2002 - also listening to Bright Eyes....
21 May, 2002 - in search of 1988
19 May, 2002 - whatever, doctor
19 May, 2002 - ....and then i hate you again
19 May, 2002 - kazaa--i hate you and then i love you
19 May, 2002 - it's me.
19 May, 2002 - homeless wanderer
19 May, 2002 - daria
17 May, 2002 - I don't get mad....I get stabby
16 May, 2002 - $#%$&%^&^*#^@@!~@!~!$!%%^*%&*
16 May, 2002 - my life is a never-ending pit of despair
15 May, 2002 - i just can't compete....
15 May, 2002 - ha
13 May, 2002 - you have no idea how much i need music right now
13 May, 2002 - whine, whine, whine....i've been listening to too much Bright Eyes
13 May, 2002 - is it me? what is it?
10 May, 2002 - I wanted to write my usual three things, but I forgot what three things in the entry there were....that was an awkward sentence
07 May, 2002 - in retrospect, the translations
07 May, 2002 - My home in the marmalade mountains
03 May, 2002 - Me being all nostalgic....read at your own risk (does this make me emO?)
02 May, 2002 - damn you sugar....yet I can't do without the sugar
02 May, 2002 - i forgot everything i ever knew ever
01 May, 2002 - a short entry, but an entry nonetheless
01 May, 2002 - i am tommy pickles
01 May, 2002 - i am padddington bear
01 May, 2002 - Diaryrings
01 May, 2002 - wouldn't it be grand