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17 December 2004 - a toast to nothing
12 December 2004 - old random quote: "i thought there was a traffic jam or a carnival outside!"
10 December 2004 - second entry tonight....the first was more important than this one
09 December 2004 - i am one impatient monkey.
08 December 2004 - my first rant in a long, long time
16 November 2004 - the worst wake up call in the world
31 October 2004 - "how is that little girl making so much noise?"
27 October 2004 - the 9am social kicks my ass
26 October 2004 - i heart my bass....i also apologise to it heartily
19 October 2004 - dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts, it's all sheer insanity
11 October 2004 - i have been in the process of getting home since 11.30 this morn
28 September 2004 - a collision of worlds....resolutions, of sorts, in all kinds
21 September 2004 - interesting....or not interesting?
31 July 2004 - ah, what's the point of an online diary if you don't complain your ass off once in a while?
31 July 2004 - ah, what's the point of an online diary if you don't complain your ass off once in a while?
27 July 2004 - a collection of haiku about being locked out of my apartment
20 July 2004 - the entire reason i have this diary in the first place
11 July 2004 - when will you humans learn that your "feelings", as you call them, stand in the way of big cash payoffs
08 July 2004 - lesson learned....
06 July 2004 - "can you help me?" "no. shut up."
03 July 2004 - anyone know the worst feeling ever? anyone? anyone?
18 June 2004 - np: american analog set - the wait
15 June 2004 - i don't know i don't know i don't know i hope so
14 June 2004 - the titles always get me in the end
08 June 2004 - at least work is air conditioned.....sort of
08 May 2004 - there's nothing better than doing nothing after a long hard day of doing stuff
08 May 2004 - there's nothing better than doing nothing after a long hard day of doing stuff
08 May 2004 - there's nothing better than doing nothing after a long hard day of doing stuff
24 April 2004 - there is nothing better than my onion horoscope this week
18 April 2004 - hell of a lot of fun even though i kept cutting myself with my saw
09 April 2004 - days off are wonderful....duh.....
08 April 2004 - for you toronto folks
24 March 2004 - _____________________.html
14 March 2004 - i do not feel worthy of such a pretty thing
11 March 2004 - yay for fucking everything....yay
06 March 2004 - a conversation between nemeses
26 February 2004 - the summer's good for tulips, tho pansies disagree
20 February 2004 - i want to use the title "from one extreme to another", but it would really not pertain to anything in this entry....whatever.
15 February 2004 - in which jNet is filled with stress of fairly large proportion.....and needs coffee
10 February 2004 - i'm trying to integrate the past with now
08 February 2004 - i'd rather spread happiness through nonsense, but i'm not sure how
06 February 2004 - as i am wont to do....
04 February 2004 - wanna go see that movie about the coupon?
03 February 2004 - unites states, canada, mexico, panama, haiti, jamaica, peru....
02 February 2004 - motherfucking motherfuck
01 February 2004 - moe moe moe, how do you like me, nobody likes me
28 January 2004 - she just kept going on, and that's what makes things funny
22 January 2004 - these two things have nothing to do with one another
20 January 2004 - have i just gotten worse at expressing myself?
17 January 2004 - in which jNet behaves impulsively, once again
13 January 2004 - a poem from a long lost friend of mine....we lived in the same apartment building and were in the same kindergarten class.
05 January 2004 - some form of soft suicide
03 January 2004 - jesus fucking christ, i'm sorry!!!