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26 December, 2001 - My New Computer, I Will Not Take A Dial-Up Connection, and Fighting With CD Players Gives Me the Fighting With CD Player Blues
25 December, 2001 - Christmas Night, It Was Only Eight O`Clock, and I Must Call Jenna and Thomo
23 December, 2001 - A bad John Woo movie, I Heart Nintendo, and I still hate XP.
22 December, 2001 - I'm a cat, Jane Austen - shirt extraordinare, and Merry Christina
08 December, 2001 - german guitar....TRANSLATED
06 December, 2001 - The Crazy Bus Driver, My Mom Thinks I'm Cool, And The Entirety of the Old
01 December, 2001 - XPerience the difference, jNet in a display of idiocy misses the train, and an apology to Frank for having to hear my voice on his answering machine