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09 December 2003 - from one employment extreme to the other
28 November 2003 - i get some internet time, and THIS is what i come up with
12 November 2003 - it's short
24 October 2003 - booo-urns
19 October 2003 - girl, inform me
14 October 2003 - all those monkeys were crowding up my inbox
03 October 2003 - not sure of what punctuation to use in a situation like this
05 September 2003 - feel my tiny insignificant wrath
11 August 2003 - haha, you crazy americans
07 August 2003 - how fucking cool is that fucking busker?
26 July 2003 - the kinds of things that only make sense lying in bed at 1 am
22 July 2003 - i wanna see it when you get stoned on a cloudy breezy desert afternoon
21 July 2003 - i don't hate that song
28 June 2003 - i guess it's all my own fault, tho
13 June 2003 - guard me road good
26 May 2003 - jesus, you'd think that in canada's largest city i could find something to do, sometimes
22 May 2003 - how much coffeemate are these people putting in their coffee?
18 May 2003 - you were made passerby
10 May 2003 - who would approach a girl like me
16 April 2003 - sometimes i want SARS so bad i bite the inside of my cheeks until i taste blood....nah, i'm just making all that shit up
13 April 2003 - the l.p.r. stands for "licensed practitioner of rock", as decreed by brendan
11 April 2003 - hey, slut!!
08 April 2003 - when you patronize me like that, it only makes me want to kill us both.
03 April 2003 - it wasn't exactly what you would call a "productive" day
28 March 2003 - you know, they say you can never go home again
27 March 2003 - tomorrow i will wear an onion on my belt.
27 March 2003 - the matrix
25 March 2003 - i am a mighty little man
25 March 2003 - listen. enjoy.
15 March 2003 - space lobsters? what space lobsters?
19 February 2003 - OH MY GOD THAT'S SO FUNNY
12 February 2003 - i put up with THIS?
01 February 2003 - like crack doing speed
30 January 2003 - a bad week puctuated by a good hour
12 January 2003 - how's that for a coincidence?
10 January 2003 - lo, the flat hills of my homeland
01 January 2003 - so happy new year, i suppose, and cheers to.....well....everything
10 December 2002 - i can think of a million great titles for entries, until the time comes to actually write the things
06 December 2002 - i could elaborate.....but i don't wish that on anyone
01 December 2002 - nosering netty and a game of cat and mouse
27 November 2002 - sometimes insanity is the greatest game you can play
24 November 2002 - nerf herder were great.
21 November 2002 - o nighthawk that i now am.....
19 November 2002 - has he ever even LISTENED to the strokes/hives?
18 November 2002 - my diary is fucking up a lot.....
16 November 2002 - sometimes being alone is just lonely
16 November 2002 - sometimes being alone is just lonely
08 November 2002 - ben is 1690's cool
08 November 2002 - ben is 1690
08 November 2002 - ben is 1690
30 October 2002 - soon i will be an updating oasis
29 October 2002 - are you boys cooking up there?
are you building an interoscitor?

28 October 2002 - i can't smell a thing...damnit
24 October 2002 - in the meantime, i'll play harmlessly with my layout
24 October 2002 - ikea is a dangerous place
23 October 2002 - eating smarties at 11 am....delicioso!!
23 October 2002 - eating smarties at 11 am....delicioso!!
18 October 2002 - sometimes i'm such a nerd i amaze even myself
18 October 2002 - iiiiiiiiiiiii'm squishing up my baby bumblebee
18 October 2002 - graceless kitties need love, too
17 October 2002 - not a year goes by, not a year!!!....
16 October 2002 - we tried to say goodbye four times, but he kept talking to us....and there was no problem with that at all
15 October 2002 - i couldn't find one of him giving the thumbs up, though....i was a little disappointed.....
11 October 2002 - sigh....i said i'd make it count....i lied.....
10 October 2002 - la la la la, bus schedules are fun
10 October 2002 - "look at her, the woman is hundreds of years old!" - dorothy zbornak
10 October 2002 - what kind of a hospital is THIS?
09 October 2002 - i also had a dream that andrew ryan, brendan and i went to see spz in a limo, and it was really cool
08 October 2002 - my toeses are cold
08 October 2002 - 2nd entry today, not the last
08 October 2002 - it's exactly the same....except for all the changes
03 October 2002 - i didn't think if i'd whispered you'd have heard
03 October 2002 - archie, archie, roly poly archie
02 October 2002 - i try, lord, how i try
01 October 2002 - a fixation, of sorts, with bill gates
01 October 2002 - more news later....alwayslater