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i feel....

way i see it, if i tell people i'm great enough times, they'll eventually have to believe me
9:38 pm
11 November 2011


i preface this with a sentiment i live by whole-heartedly, and i really do think it shows as an assuredly positive character trait of mine, at least i hope it does. you make your own fun, you really do.
and though there are so many things that stress me out legitimately and, at times, quite heavily, but i try to remain conscious of this and not let myself be outwardly dour, it's really very difficult to talk to anyone who's negative all the time. i mean, that statement is so obvious it doesn't need to be a statement at all, clearly, but i do think that it's something that certain people need to remind themselves of a wee bit more often than they otherwise seem to.

on the heels of that..
yes, there is a reason that i write the previous paragraph, it's not just blatant regurgitation of something so clearly obvious, something of the 'look both ways before you cross the street' variety.
namely, i realised recently that i've got some downright amazing people in my life, and i've been going out of my way to spend more time with them.
and yes, i'm well aware that so far, this rambling is painfully mundane and apparent, but it is something i actually do have to consciously focus on, otherwise i let myself get into severe ruts that can lead to bouts of depression and often self-loathing, but the onset is usually incredibly unpredictable.

so now i'm rambling.

so it goes.

this friendship is fun, whatever it is, i'm greatly enjoying it. springing up suddenly, going from being a wedding date to wicked fun hangouts that are just nonstop joking, laughing, comic book debates (or, like last night, me and you against someone who clearly didn't know what he was getting into, hitting a sore spot and being instantly ganged up on), just serious fun. especially with chris's weird work schedule and band stuff resulting in days without really seeing each other, it's such a relief, really, to have a friend close by whom i can just chill with, talk through the big bang theory, clerks, what have you, doesn't matter if i happen to fall asleep, whatever.
i know, i know, this is all such pedestrian subject matter that, by all rights, shouldn't even warrant more that a passing thought by any normal human being. whatever, i guess i'm just that lame. and i'm okay with that.

you make your own fun.

